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Tuesday, July 18, 2006 @11:14 PM

CG blog seem so empty...so i come to update it. Many reasons fer nt updating, first is that everybdy is busy wif thy sklwork, second is nt everyone haf the access to it coz nobody ask me for the password, and lastly is the worse excuse..most of us is lazy. so due to so 'many' reasons..we nv update it.

2 weeks ago is W355 first anniversary..everybdy had a great times together and celebrating..plus we haf a great feast as we brought pizza and other foods aaron's maid cook de fer us to eat. we oso haf a video..which i post it on youtube liao.

W355 is the best !!!

we belong together

Aaron ♥
anna ♥
benjamin ♥
chloe ♥
constance ♥
darius ♥
gina ♥
jeremiah ♥
michelle ♥
rachel ♥
ryan ♥
susan ♥
terence ♥
wayne ♥
yukie ♥
Zhen Guo ♥


All names here are by alphabeticalorder
(excluding the cgl as you can see on the above).
let us know if you want to be link or you want your link to be reomoved . thankyou and enjoy (:



April 2006
July 2006
August 2006
November 2006


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